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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Capital City Transfer for Equitable Development: The Chief of INP

Inp.polri.go.id – Pontianak. Chief of Indonesia National Police (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said t President Joko Widodo’s efforts to the relocate the capital city from Jakarta to a new one in Panajam Paser Utara regency in East Kalimantan aimed at making development equitable from Java-centric to Indonesia-centric to facilitate that the impact would be felt by all Indonesian people, especially the Dayaks.

The moves, he said, are expected to facilitate all Indonesians, especially members of the Dayak tribe, to take the benefit from the development and improve the welfare of people in Kalimantan, calling on their participation to to oversee this government policy.

“I ask my extended family here to prepare ourselves, so that we don’t become spectators in our own country. How can we become masters in our own country, in the (new) capital city. Whether we like it or not, we have to prepare ourselves to improve the quality of human resources to become superior human resources,” the General said on Saturday (3/18/2023).

He invited Kalimantan residents to improve their skills and knowledge to fulfill the needs of the new capital city: to become bureaucrats, State Civil Apparatus(ASN)as well as members of the INP and the Indonesian Military

“I will continue to encourage all to prepare themselves so that we and our future generations can be the hosts in their own country,” the Chief of the INP said.


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