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Friday, January 24, 2025

Polda Jambi Held Social Act of Services in Celebrating the 76ht Anniversary of Bhayangkara

inp.polri.go.id – Jambi. Jambi Regional Police (Polda Jambi) held Social Service and Religious Social Assistance in commemoration of the 76th Bhayangkara Day at Satyakirti Vihara, Jambi City, on Monday (20/06/22). This social act services were held simultaneously throughout Indonesia, led by the National Police Chief, General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si., virtually.

Jambi Regional Police Chief (Kapolda Jambi) Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, S.I.K., M.I.K., said that on this occasion, Polda Jambi and their ranks focused their services to orphans, the poor, and those in need such as workers/employees who were laid off, nursing homes/orphanages/social institutions, motorcycle taxi drivers/drivers , people with disabilities, retired TNI/POLRI officers, MSMEs and families affected by the pandemic, and medical personnel.

The targets of this religious social service also include 27 mosques, 22 churches, two temples, four monasteries and a temple. The social acts services also provided provisions of 1,875 food supplies, which will be distributed by 70 official bikes and 15 official cars.

“We hope that with this activity, we can strengthen our sense of kinship with others, and to provide benefits to each other and can be useful for the surrounding community in need,” explained Kapolda Jambi.

This social service activity was also attended by Jambi Deputy Police Chief, Brigadier General Drs. Yudawan Roswinarso, S.H., M.H., Chairperson of FKUB Jambi, Dr. H. Ibnu Hajar, Jambi Community Leader, H. Umar Yusuf, Satyakirti Robin Vihara Administrator, high officials of Polda Jambi, the Chairperson of Bhayangkari Polda Jambi, and Management and other invited guests.

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