– The Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas) of the National Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) held a creative competition with the theme of “A Step of Change of Polri” and a “Letter to the National Police Chief (Kapolri)” which started from April to June 2022. The announcement of the winner of the competition was announced on Friday, June 17 2022 through the Youtube Channel of Divisi Humas Mabes Polri.
The competition, which was held to celebrate the 76th anniversary of Bhayangkara, received great enthusiasm from the community. This can be seen from the total number of participants who took part in the two competitions, which reached the total of 8,194 people, 1,597 participants in “A Step of Change of Polri” and other 6,598 participants in the “Letter for the National Police Chief”.
Kadiv Humas Polri, Inspector General Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum., M.Sc., M.M., said that the competition with the theme of “A Step of Change of Polri” was held to create digital creative spaces to strengthen the security of the state while also developing it.
“Through the Public Relations Division, Polri continues to try togive the spaces for the digital talents of the state by providing them positive channels. This is also to help government programs in developing the potential of Indonesian human resources,” explained Kadiv Humas Polri.
Meanwhile, the “Letter to the National Police Chief” competition, which was participated by elementary, middle, and high school students, was aimed at increasing students’ reading and writing interest.
“This is intended to train and develop students’ writing and reading skills through positive activities so that they will channel their talents later,” explained Kadiv Humas Polri.
The Competition of “A Step of Change of Polri” has six competition categories, namely Short Film, Vlog, TikTok, Blog, Infographic, and Photography competitions. Meanwhile, “The letter to the National Police Chief” competition was divided into three categories, which is the elementary, junior high, and high school levels.
All of the participants’ works were judged by the judges whose had undoubtedly amazing achievements and credible for the role, they are Mochamad Ariyo Faridh, Aminuddin Ma’ruf, Seto Mulyadi, and Indah Hariyani.