– The low literacy culture causes people to be easily provoked by information that has not been properly tested.
The digital literacy of Indonesia is within the range of 3.49 from a scale of one to five, based on the 2021 Indonesian Digital Literacy Index from the Ministry of Communication and Information in collaboration with the Katadata Insight Center (KIC). This requires serious attention from various parties.
According to UNESCO, digital literacy is related to life skills because it does not only involve technology, but includes the ability to learn, think critically, be creative, and be innovative to produce digital competencies.
To measure the level of digital literacy, there are at least four pillars to look at, namely digital culture, digital ethics, digital skills, and digital security. Of the four pillars, our digital culture have the highest point, which is 3.9.
However, the other three pillars are still in the medium category. Where digital ethics with a score of 3.53, digital proficiency 3.44, and digital security received the lowest score of 3.1. Regarding digital security, it can be judged that public awareness and understanding is still very minimal so they like to upload their personal data to the public without understanding the consequences behind it.
The measurement of the digital literacy index is used to determine the status of digital literacy in Indonesia so that efforts to increase citizens’ digital literacy are increasingly on target. Especially in this political year, negative issues will again emerge to the public, so it is necessary to anticipate this issue seriously.
“To prevent identity politics and provocations, Polri and relevant stakeholders, along with KPU, Bawaslu, and political parties, have jointly prepared task forces to provide dignified socialization, education and campaign literacy, maintain ethics, tolerance, religious moderation, and maintain unity,” said the Head of Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas), Inspector General Prof. Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M. Hum., M.Sc., M.M.
This is where the importance of cyber patrols being carried out intensively so that the public does not easily spread false information or provoked by it.
The high level of digital literacy in the future is expected to be able to maintain Indonesia’s diversity, including strengthening a culture of tolerance and campaigns on religious moderation on social media and digital media.
“Together with Kominfo and social media activists, we continue to socialize and campaign for religious moderation, tolerance and maintaining diversity,” said Inspector General. Pol. Prof. Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M. Hum., M.Sc., M.M.