– The police officially held the Operation Patuh Jaya since Monday, June 13th, 2022, and will be held for the next two weeks. This operation will targets all vehicles that violates the traffic law, including the vehicle that has “special” plate numbers.
According to the Chief of Polda Metro Jaya (Kapolda Metro Jaya), Inspector General Dr. Drs. H. Mohammad Fadil Imran, M. Si., the police will not biased in acting towards the violator of traffic law, even though they have the special plate number. He stressed that those “special” plate number vehicles will still get fined if they violate the law.
“We stressed to the rotator users and the special plate number users that they will still get fined. There are no privilages given to them,” said Kapolda Metro Jaya.
Kapolda Metro Jaya also admits that they has asked the Directorate of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya to intensify their monitoring toward the vehicles that use rotator and special plate numbers.
“Check more thoroughly to the users of special plate number. Did they really have the rights to use it or not,” stressed Kapolda Metro Jaya.
Kapolda Metro Jaya stressed that if there’s a vehicle that abuse the rotator or special plate numbers, then the police will definitely act firmly by removing the rotator or the plate numbers if they are proven wrong.
“If they repeated the violation, and is considered to be of high severity, we will remove it. We are currently evaluating this issue. It is clear that the special plates and rotators are only for echelon one officials, ministers, and the Director General,” said the Metro Jaya Police Chief.