– Floods due to high rainfall, accompanied by overflowing river water, submerged a number of areas in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Sunday (12/6/2022) afternoon. One of the areas affected by the flood is the Simbuang Environment, Simboro Village, with a height ranging from waist height of adults to more than one meter. Some residents, including children, had to be evacuated to a safer area.
“We prioritize a number of residents, especially children, women, and the elderly to be evacuated to safer places,” said the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the West Sulawesi Police (Polda Sulbar), Commissioner Syamsu Ridwan, S.I.K., Sunday (12/6).
In the evacuation, Polda Sulbar deployed personnel from the Sabhara and Brimob units equipped with SAR equipment. Swift and responsive act were also carried out by Military District Commander 1418/Mamuju personnel in evacuating residents affected by the flood.
There were no fatalities in this flood event, but as many as 122 families or 473 residents were forced to evacuate. Their houses were flooded with a height ranging from 0.5 meters to above one. Thankfully, the flood has receded at several points.