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Welcoming the 76th Bhayangkara Day, Maluku Police Held Blood Donation at Siloam Hospital

inp.polri.go.id – The Maluku Regional Police (Polda Maluku) held a blood donation program at Siloam Hospital, Ambon City, Monday (06/06/22). This program is to welcoming the 76th Bhayangkara Day which falls on July, 1st 2022.

In that humanitarian activity, the Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of Polda Maluku, Commissioner Agus Krisdiyanto and Head of Medical Unit (Kabiddokkes) of Polda Maluku, Commissioner Subur, were seen in the event.

The program which called “Bhakti Kesehatan Polda Maluku” was participated by 118 personnel from task forces of Polda Maluku, Ambon Island Police and Lease Islands Police, also Bhayangkari Units from Polresta Ambon.

“Today we are doing the health service activity by blood donation in welcoming the 76th Bhayangkara Day,” said Commissioner Subur.

The blood donation program was done in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and Siloam Ambon Hospital.

“This activity is to help PMI and Maluku Provincial Health Office in revitalizing their blood stock,” said the Maluku Regional Police Intermediate Officer.

He said that the blood donation is to help the people in need and this program will be held for three days.

“This is to revitalize the blood stock of PMI so that the stock would be available when the community needs it,” continued Commissioner Subur.

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