– In the first week of June 2022, the Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumsel) and the police ranks in the region have successfully thwarted and solved cases of drug abuses.
It was reported there is an increase in the number of cases solved by the police when comparing with May 2022. In the first week of June 2022, Ditresnarkoba Polda Sumsel has successfully uncovered 37 cases of drug abuses in South Sumatra.
The Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of Polda Sumsel, Commissioner Drs. Supriadi, M.M., said that in the first week of June 2022, the performance of its members has increased compared to last month.
“We are grateful that our performance has increased significantly since last Month in uncovering the drug abuse cases,” said Kabid Humas Polda Sumsel to the reporters in his office on Monday (6/6).
He added that they had managed to arrest 48 suspects from those cases with 44 of them being the smugglers and the rest of them being the users.
“For the evidence, we had secured 137.23 grams of methamphetamine, 453.87 grams of marijuana and 1,113 ecstasy pills,” he said.
From the drug disclosure of June’s first week, Commissioner Supriadi also stated that all police ranks of South Sumatra are reported to have revealed the drug cases. “On this first week of June, we can perform well so that no police ranks in the region not able to disclose the drug cases,” he stated.