– The Pining Sector Police (Polsek Pining) of the Gayo Lues Police (Polres Gayo Lues) have secured four tons of pine resin without legal documents and three people who are strongly suspected of selling the items to Medan, North Sumatra, on Thursday (02/06/22.
The Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimsus) of the Aceh Police (Polda Aceh), Commissioner Sony Sonjaya, S.I.K., said that the arrest stemmed from a report of the KPH3 Health Office in the Pining Work Area regarding the presence of two L300 cars heading to East Aceh Regency and allegedly carrying four tons of pine resin without a Certificate of Legal Non-Timber Forest Products (SKSHHBK).
Then, Pining Police personnel assisted by the KPH3 Forestry Service detained the car in the Cilike area, East Aceh Regency, and found the four tons of pine resin without legal documents.
“It’s true, we managed to secure four tons of pine resin that are about to be transported to Medan. However, we are still investigating the involvement of the perpetrators. Are they just couriers or the owners of pine resin,” explained the Aceh Police Dirreskrimsus.
Currently, the three perpetrators along with evidence in the form of four tons of pine resin and two L300 cars are secured at Polsek Pining for further examination.