– The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has given an important message regarding account burglary which causes social disturbances.
The Head of the Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas) of Polri, Inspector General Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum., M.Si., M.M., revealed that one of the most common ways of breaking into accounts is ATM card skimming.
It is known, this ATM skimming is because of the leakage of bank customer data, either from personal negligence or someone leaked it.
“This could be due to the negligence of the person themselves who send their personal data to various parties, such as when filling out certain applications on the internet,” said Kadiv Humas Polri.
Although the police has managed to catch several perpetrators, the police will not stop eradicating this case.
The man who once served as the Central Kalimantan Police Chief said that he wants to get through this case to the root.
“This is an organized crime. They divide their roles by making some of them take the data, some duplicate the card, some print it, some sell it, and some take the money,” explained Kadiv Humas Polri.
The difficulties in disclosing this case is because the perpetrators tend to look for loopholes in how they can crack the technology.
For your information, apart from skimming, there are also other ways they scam the people such as using the user’s personal data. The data will be used to create a new ATM card and account book under the victim’s name at a different branch.
Kadiv Humas Polri assessed that his party was still studying the case by looking at various possibilities, such as the source of the leak of the victim’s personal data. In fact, it does not rule out the possibility of customer involvement in the crime.
“Criminals can create a new identity by using the victim’s personal data. The perpetrators can even know the name of the victim’s biological mother,” explained Kadiv Humas Polri.