– The Drug Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Pesawaran Police arrested the Dealer, Courier, and Drug Users. Their arrest was thanks to the report by the people who feel disturbed by their activities.
The three suspects are Rodi Setiawan (32) from Kota Dalam Village, Hendarwin (42) from Gedong Dalom Village, and Hendro (52) from Wayharong Village, Waylima District, Pesawaran Regency. Friday (20/5/22).
All of them were secured on Monday in three different places between 17.00 and 18.30 WIB.
Head of the Drug Investigation Unit (Kasatresnarkoba) Iptu Widodo Prasojo, S.T.K., S.I.K., revealed thath the police has arrested Hendro for the first time.
“From our investigation, Rodi caught and found carrying methamphetamine. According to Rodi, the methamphetamine belonged to Hendarwin. He was only ordered by him to give it to Hendro,” said Kasatresnarkoba.
For his actions, the three (3) suspects were charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) or Article 112 paragraph (1), in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
The police also confiscated one box of cigarettes, a set of drugs equipment, one glass pyrex, one clear plastic clip package containing white crystals suspected of having methamphetamine, two black Samsung cellphones, two Rp100,000 bills, and Xiaomi Redmi 6 cellphone.