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Friday, January 24, 2025

The Banjarmasin Police Successfully Thwarted The Smuggling of Drugs

inp.polri.go.id – The Banjarmasin Police, managed to save hundreds of thousand lives from drug abuse after thwarting the smugglinf of 8,271.58 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

“It is estimated that every gram of this drugs can be used by up to 15 people,” said Banjarmasin Police Chief, Commissioner Sabana A. Martosumito in Banjarmasin, Thursday 19/05/22).

After the investigation process and getting a determination from the prosecutor, the drug evidence that was confiscated was destroyed by the authorities, leaving just a small portion of it as evidence in court.

The drugs that were destroyed came from 13 suspects of the cases from March and April 2022 by the Banjarmasin Police Narcotics Investigation Unit led by Commissioner Mars Suryo Kartiko.

Kapolresta Banjarmasin said the destruction of evidence is part of the police’s transparency in narcotics law enforcement as stated by RI Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics.

“We have to prevent misappropriation of evidence from unscrupulous officers, so it must be destroyed as early as possible after obtaining approval from the prosecutor and the case is ready for trial,” explained the Banjarmasin Police Chief.

In the end, the Banjarmasin Police Chief emphasized that the war on drug trafficking still continues and the public has a big role to play in providing even the slightest information.

On the other hand, prevention efforts are also done in synergy with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and all elements, so that the public is truly protected from any drugs in any form.

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