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Monday, January 20, 2025

Polri Explained The Changes of Color of White Plate Numbers

inp.polri.go.id – Korlantas Polri immediately implemented a policy of white plate number with black writing for motorcycles throughout Indonesia and the changes will carried out gradually. “Yes, we will implement it this year, but its going to be implemented at once,” explained the Director of Regident (Dirregident) of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police (Polri), Brigadier General Yusri Yunus, Thursday (19/5/22).

Brigadier General Yusri Yunus said that the vehicles that will use the new plates are those that already have to change their plate number, the subject of five-year tax and the new vehicles. “The ones who will have the white plate number are those who to change the plate due to five-year tax, same goes to the ones who bought new vehicles. So, this new changes will be implemented gradually,” he explained

He also stressed that there are no additional costs or regional priorities in the transition from black plates to white plates.

“Absolutely not, you only have to pay the tax as usual,” he explained.

The plate changes rules are contained in Article 45 of Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2021 concerning Registration and Identification of Motorized Vehicles. The regulation contains the Motorized Vehicle Number Sign (TNKB) as referred to in Article 44 paragraph (1) with a white base color and black writing are vehicles for individual, legal entities, PNA, and international agencies.

Then, yellow plates with black writing for public transportation; red with white writing for government agency vehicles; and green with black writing is for the vehicles in free trade areas that get free import entry and based on the provisions of laws and regulations.

The color of the TNKB as referred to in paragraph (1) is added with a special sign for the electric vehicles which is stipulated by the Decree of Korlantas Polri. TNKB is installed in the front and back of the vehicle which is easily visible and identifiable.

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