– Jakarta. The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) appreciates the efforts of the Police in making homecoming and return trips successful during the Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri holiday or Lebaran 2022. BPJT assesses that the efforts of the Police and the ranks, especially the traffic police (Korlantas), have been maximized.
“BPJT of the PUPR Ministry is very grateful for the participation and hard work of all stakeholders, especially the Korlantas ranks, the Directorate of Traffic Police (Ditlantas) and the Traffic Police Unit (Satlantas) in providing maximum service to the community during the implementation of the homecoming flow until yesterday’s return flow,” said the Head of BPJT, Danang Parikesit, in his written statement, Saturday (14/5/2022).
Danang then said that the success of Eid homecoming was also due to the use of technology. Danang explained that his party utilizes technology to disseminate information on the traffic situation in the toll booths through an application that can be seen by the public on smartphones.
“In addition, the presence of technology information and digital transformation plays a very important role in the success of supporting the implementation of the homecoming and return flow of Eid 2022, such as the distribution of information from all media partners which is always updated for the community,” said Danang.
“The BPJT Toll Info application to several applications for each Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) also provides information about toll tariff updates, CCTV, Rest Areas, Toll Road Maps, and the 158 call center,” he added.
Learning from the experience of going home in 2022, Danang said that his party, together with all stakeholders, will improve traffic management, including the matter of rest areas.
“In the future, the BPJT of the PUPR Ministry and all relevant stakeholders will continue to improve the management and control of traffic on toll roads, especially in fulfilling the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for road users, both on toll roads and in rest areas, especially during the implementation of the Eid homecoming flow for the next year,” said Danang.
The improvement of traffic management in question, is adding officers on roads, taking preventive measures against vehicles who forced themselves into rest areas that are already congested, and increasing fuel content services for toll road users.
BPJT then assessed that the development of toll roads in Java, Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi at this time also plays an important role in the succession of homecoming and return flows for Lebaran 2022. Currently, the total toll roads that have been operating are 2,500 kilometers long.
“The presence of toll road connectivity that continues to improve on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi all plays an important role in supporting connections between one region and another and opening new sections,” said Danang.
“With the connectivity of toll roads that have the length of around 2,500 km so far, it certainly really supports to smoothen the traffic on the freeway to get to their destination,” he continued.
Danang explained that the operation of thousands of kilometers of toll roads is currently effective in reducing travel time. In addition, it also makes the fuel used for vehicles more efficient.