– Central Java Police Chief (Kapolda Jateng) Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said that the loss due to the fire of ships at the Wijayapura Port, Cilacap Regency, almost reached Rp130 billion.
“Losses due to the fire have almost reached Rp130 billion. This is because there were 44 (fishermen) boats and one take boat that caught fire,” he explained, while directly observing the location of the fire, in Cilacap, Wednesday (4/5/22)
Based on the initial information, the source of the fire was caused by one of the crew. However, this matter is still being explored. “For now, what we now is that one crew member caused a spark of fire on his ship. We will investigate this to solve this case,” stated Kapolda Jateng.
To investigate this case, his party has ordered the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) of Polda Jateng to immediately move. “I have ordered the Labfor ubit to come here. The source of the spark will be investigated by them,” explained Kapolda Jateng.
On the other hand, the Kapolda added that the fires occurred at four different locations. “Based on the results of initial investigation is that the fire occurred at four points. Once it caught fire, many ships were scattered because of the tides,” he explained.