– Ensuring the homecoming will run safe and well, General Supervision Inspectorate (Irwasum) of the National Police (Polri), Commissioner General Drs. Agung Budi Maryoto, M.Sc., along with the Head Coordinator of Community Development (Kakorbinmas) of Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam) of Polri, Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan, S.I.K., M.H., and also the Deputy Chief of the East Java Police (Wakapolda Jatim), Brigadier General Drs. Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, S.H, M.H, and Tuban Police Chief, AKBP Darman, S.Ik, inspecting the homecoming service post in Tuban Regency, Friday (29/04/22).
In their inspection, they visit the Rest area integrated service post located on the north coast of Tuban which is a service center for travelers passing through the Tuban Regency area.
Irwasum Polri explained that his visit was to ensure that this year’s homecoming could be safe and well.
“This can be a spot for people to take a short break during their trip. The post, which has been prepared by the district government and the Resort Police, is also a place where you can also enjoy the beach in the hope that later they can continue their journey in a good mood and safely arrive at their destination,” explained The Three-Star General.
Aside from a resting place, a vaccine booth was also provided to serve travelers who did not have the time to administer the vaccine before at their homes.
Irwasum Polri appealed to all people to take advantage of the service posts that have been provided to rest if they feel tired on the trip.
“We urge the public to continue complying with the health protocols, keeping in touch with your relatives is mandatory, but health protocols must also be maintained so that we can be free from Covid-19,” concluded the Commissioner-General Drs. Agung Budi Maryoto, M.Sc.
Regarding the vaccination in the Tuban district, he explained that the achievement of the first dose of vaccine in the Tuban district had reached 92%, while the second dose was 80% and the third dose reached 15%.