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Polda Metro Jaya Prepared A Scenarios in Anticipating The Return Flow of Eid 2022

inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Directorate of Traffic (Dirlantas) of Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, S.I.K., M.T.C.P., prepared a scenario to anticipate traffic congestion during the return flow from the east to Jakarta at the Halim Toll Gate (GT) after the Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri holiday.

“We are worried that the Halim GT, with only 13 substations, will not be able to accommodate the number of vehicles that will enter Jakarta like a flood,” said Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya said the concern was related to the scenario of applying the one-way system from Kalikangkung to Halim KM 3,500 which will be held on 7-8 May 2022.

To anticipate this, there are several toll exit gates from Jakarta to Cikampek that can be opened for vehicles from east to Jakarta who wants to exit to reduce congestion at GT Halim.

“We are talking about entering Jakarta, people can exit at Cibatu, they can exit at Tambun, or they can exit at East Bekasi, West Bekasi, Jatiwaringin, then Halim. We are dividing the exit routes so that not all of them get stuck in one place,” said Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

In this regard, Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya has prepared four scenarios. The first scenario is to make sure that the right-lane vehicles, which are normally used for the Jakarta to Cikampek route, can be used for vehicles exiting the toll road from east to Jakarta.

“In the left lane, you can definitely go out to West Bekasi. While if they are in the right lane, you don’t have to go left to get out, they can go out from where they enter, because we will apply one-way system. So the toll road to Cikampek will definitely be closed,” said Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

This scenario is expected to reduce the queue at GT Halim. The second scenario is prepared to break the density at the Halim GT, namely closing the Cikunir GT heading to Cawang and diverting traffic from the MBZ Elevated Toll Road to JORR and Tanjung Priok.

In the third scenario, Polda Metro Jaya coordinates with Jasa Marga to provide a “mobile card reader” to speed up transactions so as to reduce congestion at toll exit booths.

Meanwhile, the fourth scenario will be carried out if the queue at GT Halim reaches more than one kilometer by enforcing vehicles without transacting or for free when crossing GT Halim.

Other than the Halim toll gate, Sambodo also said that the Halim to Cawang Toll Road has the potential of traffic jams due to lane narrowing. “There is a narrowing from 4 lanes to 2 lanes, plus there will be another flow from Cibubur in Cawang. It means that we will continue to carry out ‘contraflow’ as usual,” concluded Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

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