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Friday, January 24, 2025

Lampung Police Advised The People to Install CCTV While Away for Homecoming

inp.polri.go.id – Bandar Lampung. The Lampung Regional Police (Polda Lampung), appealed to shop and office owners to install CCTV while leaving for their hometowns. The CCTV installation is intended to anticipate the criminal actions of Air Conditioner (AC) theft.

“We are aware of this AC theft that has happened recently. We are worried that the perpetrators took advantage of the people who make a trip for their hometown and robbed thire outdoor AC. Therefore, the installation of CCTV is a good solution to anticipate the theft,” explained the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of Polda Lampung, Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad in Bandar Lampung, Sunday (24/04/22).

The Lampung Regional Police have asked security and night guards to be even more vigilant at the theft-prone hours.

“Officers at the police station are ready to serve for 24 hours. Officers will immediately respond if there is such a report,” said the Lampung Regional Police Intermediate Officer.

Police Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad appealed to the people of Lampung to contact the call center 110 for free if they saw a criminal act.

“Not only seeing incidents of crime, if you see someone who is suspicious, they should immediately report either through the call center 110 or to the nearest police officer,” closed Kabid Humas Polda Lampung.

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