– Bareskrim Polri arrested one suspect of the DNA Pro trading robot case initialed HA. Now the police have arrested a total of seven suspects from the total of 12 other suspects.
“Yes, now we have a total of seven suspects. One additional suspect is initialed HA,” stated the Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Special Economic Crime (Dittipideksus) of Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Commissioner Yuldi Yusman, S.E., M.Sc., Tuesday (19/4/2022).
He explained that HA was the Branch Manager of the team named ‘Central’. He said there were other several branches to market this trade. Hans is said to be the leader of one of the branches.
Furthermore, he also explained that the arrests were made on April 9. Before being arrested, HA was examined.
“After an examination, we then detained the person,” he explained further.
Currently, HA has been detained in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. He was detained for the next 20 days.