– Police disperse a crowd of wild runners in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). The disbandment was made after residents reported their activities which were considered disturbing the general public and blocking the public’s road access.
“There were probably around 100 people. There were a lot of spectators, including runners,” said the Chief Unit of Turjawali 1 of the Samapta Directorate, Iptu Asfada to detikSulsel, Monday (18/4/2022).
The wild race running was held on Paccerakkag, Biringkanaya District, Monday morning (18/4/2022). The police from the Samapta Patrol Division of the South Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda Sulsel) disbanded the race because residents were worried about the trend of activities that were rife in the month of Ramadan.
“The running race that closed the road disturbed the people who passed by and many of them were scared by the huge crowd,” he said.
“Based on the information from the public, they closed a full lane when the race was about to start 5 minutes before,” Asfada added.
When the police arrived at the scene, the illegal racing was immediately stopped, although several of them did not leave when the police arrived. Officers are also looking for the parents of the teenagers involved in this illegal racing.
“For now, we are only warning them not to do that illegal running race again. We are still using the persuasive approach and handed over the juvenile to their parents around the crime scene to actively prohibit this activity,” he explained.
Asfada admitted, that wild-running racing is currently a trend in Makassar City and has even become a betting event. However, during the sahur patrol at that time, his party did not find any evidence of gambling activities in that race.
“The bet is usually the runner, between candidates A and B. However, if (later) we found evidence that led to gambling, then we will submit the case to the Criminal Investigation Department,” Asfada said.