– Head of Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Inspector General Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum., M.Sc., M.M., confirmed that the beating of social media activist, Ade Armando, during the April 11 demonstration at the Indonesian Parliament Building will be processed legally.
The Two-Star General said the case would be handled by the Polda Metro Jaya as the regional police that secures the demonstration.
“It will be handled by Polda Metro Jaya. Anyone who is proven to have committed a criminal act will be processed,” said Kadiv Humas Polri on Monday, April 11, 2022.
Ade Armando was persecuted by a mob during a demonstration on April 11 in front of the Indonesian Parliament building, Monday, April 11, 2022. It was suspected that the mob who beat Ade is not a student. He was beaten until he fell to the ground, and even the trousers he was wearing were missing.