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Friday, January 24, 2025

There Are Fewer Violations in Toll Roads Since ETLE Is in Effect

inp.polri.go.id – Electronic ticketing or Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) against drivers who exceed the speed and load on official toll roads has been in effect since April 1, 2022.

The Chief Police of Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas), Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi said the number of violations on toll roads has decreased. This indicates that the drivers are much more compliant in the past three days. “ETLE can change the behavior and culture of safe driving in our society,” he explained, Tuesday (5/4/22).

Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi explained that the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) had taken action against ETLE violators on toll roads since last Friday (1/4/2022). In addition to increased safety culture, ETLE is also effective in reducing the number of cargo limit violations.

“In general, there has been a decrease in cargo limit violations for the DKI Jakarta toll road section. On the first day, there are 148 violations, while on the second day there are 571 violations, and on the third day is only one limit violation. For the Trans Java-Central Java toll road, there are 303 violations on the first day, the second day is 427, and the third day is only 29 violations. “explained Kakorlantas.

Kakorlantas also said that the number of speed limit violations had also decreased. This could be seen at the Polda Metro Jaya Toll Road, the Trans Java-Central Java Toll Road, to the Trans Sumatra Toll Road.

“For the Trans Sumatra toll road, which is within the jurisdiction of the Lampung Police, there has also been a decrease in the speed limit violations from 2,580 on the first day, 1,683 on the second day, to 631 violations on the third day,” explained Kakorlantas.

The Two-Star General also said that the implementation of ETLE showed positive progress. He also hopes that ETLE will be massively used in other locations. “It is hoped that ETLE will be used in more locations so that the number of traffic accidents, especially on toll roads, can be reduced to zero accidents,” said Kapolda.

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