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Friday, January 24, 2025

ETLE in Papua Has Identified Around 3,600 Traffic Violators

inp.polri.go.id – Jayapura. The Papuan Police (Polda Papua) has implemented an electronic ticket by installing Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) in Jayapura City since 9 days ago or on March 26, 2020. During the implementation, 3,685 drivers were caught on camera violating the traffic law.

“Starting from March 26 to April 4, 2022, the prosecution of traffic violators using E-TLE resulted in 3,685 violators being caught on camera,” explained the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of Polda Papua, Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, Wednesday (06/04/22).

Kabid Humas Polda Papua said that the most common types of violations were the use of seat belts for car drivers, with a total of 1,824 violators, then the violations of STNK validity were 1,308, then the violators who do not use SNI helmets for the bike drivers and the remaining 497 violators are those who used cellphones while driving, against the flow of the road and those who carry more than one passengers in a bike.

“Until now, no fine has been sent out because it is still in the socialization phase until April 15, 2022. However, if there is a violation that has the potential to cause an accident, we will immediately send them a ticket,” said the Papuan Police Intermediate Officer.

Police Commissioner Ahmad Mushtofa Kamal added that in Jayapura City, there are still only two locations that have been installed with ETLE, namely at the JPO in front of the Jayapura Mall.

“We have just operated the ETLE camera in Jayapura City. Later we will install it in other areas in Papua, like Jayapura, Merauke, Mimika, Nabire, and Biak regencies,” he said.

On that occasion, Kabid Humas Polda Papua explained that in addition to realizing discipline traffic compliance and reducing accidents on the road, ETLE can also increase the compliance of drivers in paying their vehicle taxes.

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