– Gorontalo. The Gorontalo Regional Police, the Gorontalo Regional Police and their ranks continue to make efforts to reduce the number of Covid-19 transmissions by tightening the rules for the implementation of Community Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM), one of which is by blocking segments by joint operations on roads in districts/cities.
The tightening was carried out in line with the increasing spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak since the last few months. From the results of the evaluation of Community Activity Restriction Enforcement stage one, two and three which were implemented from July 26 to August 9, it can be seen that there are still many people who do not heed the relevant government regulations in suppressing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak.
“We are blocking at several location points, namely at the City-Gorontalo Regency border, the Bone Bolango City-Regency border, the City Center, as well as locations that are often seen to be busy with mobility,” explained Pol. Grand Commissioner M. Pratama Adhyasastra, as the officer in charge of the operation.
Citizens’ obedience to orders to stay at home for those who are not interested is still very low, but it is hoped that with the operation and tightening carried out, the community will be more disciplined in complying with health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Similarly, it can be seen that there are still many people who are still carrying out activities above the hours set by the government, even from operations to cafes and community hangouts. Joint personnel still find many residents who violate the health procedures, how many people who doesn’t use masks when doing activities outside the home. Community discipline is urgently needed at this time, where the goal is that we can both reduce the number of victims exposed to Covid-19,” he concluded.