– Central Kalimantan. Committed to accelerating vaccination for the community and suppressing the spread of Covid-19, Central Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, Pol. General Inspector Dedi Prasetyo, down directly to observe the implementation of mass vaccination simultaneously at angkalan Bun I Highschool, Termili Ex Street. Sidorejo, Kobar Regency.
On the occasion, the Central Kalimantan Police Chief was accompanied by the Governor of Central Kalimantan Sugianto Sabran together with Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Prov. Central Kalimantan. The Regional Police Chief explained that the review was to ensure the vaccination program was right on target for the community, as well as a special effort to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The governor also alerted to the public not to hesitate to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination, because the vaccination that was injected was safe and halal.
“This is our effort to accelerate the vaccine so that Central Kalimantan is formed Herd Immunity or immunity of certain communities. Of course, it is hoped that Central Kalimantan will have immunity with its people. I ask us not to be afraid to come to be vaccinated. We guarantee that this vaccination has been clinically tested,” he concluded.
The Governor said that vaccination for the elderly is very important, considering that these elderly have a high risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus. Not only reviewing the implementation of vaccinations, the Governor together with the Chief of Regional Police also gave masks symbolically to the three pillars (National Police, National Armed Forces and Section of Tranquility and Order) to be distributed to the people of Regency To reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.