– Surabaya. The East Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit (Satbrimobda Jatim) carried out disinfectant spraying activities to residents’ homes and places of worship located in four sub-districts that experienced a surge in the spread of Covid-19 and currently imposed a micro-lockdown.
The Commander of the East Java’s Mobile Brigade Unit (Commander Unit), Pol. Grand Commissioner. Amostian explained that this was very important to do because in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic to minimize the spread of Covid-19.
In addition to spraying disinfectants, East Java Brimobda personnel also carry out routine patrols, educate the public and provide basic necessities to residents in Arosbaya District, Bangkalan, Madura.
It is hoped that the community will obey the health protocol (Prokes), so that the spread of Covid-19 in Bangkalan, Madura can be suppressed.
Education to the public to stay at home and always use masks when traveling, and social distancing must be applied to prevent the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Personnel deployed as many as 100 personnel and today added 30 personnel in Arosbaya District and 30 personnel in the Klampis area, explained the East Java Mobile Brigade Commander Unit
The community also plays an important role in breaking the Covid-19 chain, therefore the community must follow the attention and policies of the government in breaking the Covid-19 chain.