– Bandung. Sespim’s Education & Training Institute of National Police held social service activities (baksos) within the Joint Activities Program (PKB) FY 2021. The social service activities held in eight provinces were focused on overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerating security recovery, and helping people affected by natural disasters. The social service activity centred at theSespim’s Education & Training Institute of National Police, Lembang KBB, was held on Tuesday (06/08).
30th Sespimti’s Head of Secretariat Dikreg, Pol. Grand Commissioner Budhi Herdi Susianto said the social service activities were held in eight provinces covering ten districts/cities. The eight provinces are West Java, Central Java, DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Banten, East Java, North Sumatra and East Nusa Tenggara.
“This activity is a form of social care for the 30th Serdik Sespimti’s National Police Dikreg, Sespimmen Dikreg -61 for the environment and one of the efforts to increase the synergy between Serdik and Pasis originating from the Police, National Armed Forces and guest serdiks from the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of RI,” explained the Head of Sespimti Dikreg Senate. 30th.
According to the National Police Education & Training Institute’s Intermediate Officer, today’s social service activity was filled with blood donors attended by 200 people from Serdik Sespimti, Serdik Sespimmen Serdik Sespimma, Officials and Antap Sespim. The distribution of 1,000 food packages, consisting of 500 Sespimti and 500 Sespimmen packages, as well as 1,000 units of rapid swab antigen.
“Today’s social assistance is one of the activities in the Joint Activities Program (PKB) for the 2021 FY Championship, which was opened on Monday (06/07) and lasted for two days,” said Pol. Grand Commissioner Budhi Herdi Susianto.
In addition to social services activities, the National Police’s Education & Training Institute Sespim held vaccination activities for 400 peoples on April 30 and May 27, 2021. Distribution of 3,500 food packages and delivery of building materials/materials to the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police worth of IDR 100 million to repair the National Police Headquarter and service facilities damaged by natural disasters.
The vaccination activity results from collaboration with the West Java Provincial Health Office and West Bandung Health Office and the Sespim Police Primary Polyclinic.