– Bandung. Mobile Brigade Unit (Satbrimob) of The West Java Regional Police supervised the distribution of Covid-19 vaccine from PT. Bio Farma to KM 42 Cikampek Toll Road which will be received by the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Mobile Brigade Regional Unit.
The vaccine escort was led directly by the Head of Sub Task Force (Kasubsatgas) 4 (Police Commissioner) Police Commissioner M. Syahrul accompanied by the Head of Unit (Kanit) Police Second Inspector Dony Wardi, using tactical vehicles and full weapons.
According to Police Commissioner M. Syahrul, the escort is carried out for security and smooth distribution. The distribution process will continue in stages to all provinces in Indonesia.
“We will always be ready and ready to carry out this escort. We have prepared all personnel for a long time, ” the Head of Sub Task Force explained.
The Head of Sub Task Force added his team was also coordinating with the Traffic Directorate of the West Java Regional Police, as well as units in the area where the vaccine distribution process crossed. It is way to make the distribution journey smooth as the distribution demands speed and target accuracy.
The Commander of the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit, Pol. Grand Commissioner Yuri Karsono, said the vaccine escort activity is a form service from the Police Mobile Brigade of West Java Regional Police for the community as way to present the state in the midst of society.
“This is a form of devotion (Bhakti) of Mobile Birgade of West Java Regional Police. In this case in the West Java region, to provide sense of security and comfort in the distribution of state property,” the Unit Chief of West Java Brigade Mobil explained.