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Innovation for the Country, Police Personnel in Bogor Successfully Find a Combination of Liquid Sugar for Diabetics

inp.polri.go.id – Bogor. In preventing the increase of diabetics in Indonesia, the Chief of Klapanunggal Sector Police, Police Commissioner Attendant M. Fadli Amri, and his colleagues succeeded in finding a product derived from stevia leaf extract.

Stevia leaf (stevia rebaaudiana) is found hundred years ago in South America. This leaf belongs to the sunflower family and contains Steviosol which offers a sweet taste up to 300 times more than granulated sugar but is very low in calories.

The Chief of the Klapanunggal SectorPolice, Bogor, said he and his colleagues are currently developing liquid sugar made from stevia leaf extract. According to him, the process of making liquid sugar from stevia leaves is very affordable. However, it needs to be supported by qualified technology because the process uses an enzyme catalyst to get stevia leaf extract. Unfortunately, there is currently no such extract factory in Indonesia.

“The way its produce is visible. But it must be supported by stevia leaf extraction technology which currently does not exist in Indonesia, so it must be imported from abroad. This stevia leaf extract has a high level of sweetness, about 300 times of the cane sugar. It means this leaf offers a sweeter taste than the sugar we usually consume but is still healthy because it is very low in calories,” the Chief of Klapanunggal Sector Police, Bogor explained the.

The making of the dripsweet has gone through a very modern manufacturing process. It already has a distribution permit from Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) and MUI (Indonesia Ulema Council) HALAL certification. Currently, consumers have accepted the product in number of regions throughout Indonesia, although still in small quantities.

“Many people currently use it for personal consumption, the food and cake industry. We also pack some in small bottles of 5 ml and 30 ml. For the time being, we can produce around 300 thousand bottles per month,” as explained by the Chief of Klapanunggal Resort Police, Bogor.

He explained the idea started with his concerns about many of his relatives who suffer from diabetes even though they are still young.

Based on the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) data, Indonesia has diabetes alert status because we are at the seventh rank out of 10 countries with the highest number of diabetes patients. The prevalence of patients with diabetes in Indonesia reaches 6.2 percent, which means that more than 10.8 million people are suffering from diabetes by the year 2020.

“The best humans are those who can make a benefit for other humans and everything around them, this is the principle of my life. So I hope this product can provide new alternative in providing sweet taste in life. In addition to its sweet and useful products, stevia leaf plants can also become a new alternative to be cultivated so that it opens up opportunities for farmers, and we also open cooperation with anyone who wants to sell this product, a new commodity to earn money,” the Chief of the Klapanunggal Resort Police, Bogor explained.

“I also hope someone will invest in making a stevia leaf extract factory, because it will be useful both from consumers and farmers, because there will be new commodities that can be cultivated,” he added.

With a harvest period of about 1.5 to 2 months, surely it is good for cultivation; planting and maintenance are very easy. Once harvested, this plant can grow back without planting new seeds, only with a stem graft system at an altitude of 800 above sea level.

The Chief of the Klapanunggal Resort Police, Bogor, also said the effort to find a formula that was suitable and not bitter, as well as the right mixture of compositions of all-natural ingredients, did not succeed immediately. He failed many times and finally, in 2019, he managed to produce a product called drip sweet, made from stevia leaf extract and 100 per cent of other natural ingredients.

“Because the basic ingredients themselves are low in calories, even in several research journals in Indonesia and abroad, this product contains zero commas which can be equated with zero (zero) calories, so it is healthier if consumed by people with diabetes. This product also offers a lower price. It’s cheaper when compared to the use of cane sugar or other similar products,” the Chief of Klapanunggal Resort Police, Bogor, explained.

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