– Jakarta. The government has completed the placement of electronic ticketing cameras (E-TLE) phase one in several areas since a few months ago. The first phase of electronic ticketing (E-TLE) which was implemented in 12 Regional Police headquarters have been completed. The Traffic Corps’ of National Police stated that the number of traffic violations had dropped significantly since the implementation of ETLE.
“Since the electronic ticket was issued, the points where violations usually occur have decreased by 40 percent,” explained the Indonesian National Police Chief of Traffic Corps, Pol. Inspector General Istiono.
Phase 1 of the E-TLE was implemented in 12 Regional Police headquarters consisting of the Banten Police, North Sulawesi Regional Police, Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police, West Java Regional Police, Central Java Regional Police, and East Java Regional Police. In addition, the application of E-TLE is also applied to the Yogyakarta Regional Police, Riau Regional Police, Jambi Regional Police, West Sumatra Regional Police, Lampung Regional Police and South Sulawesi Regional Police.
Several violations that were caught on E-TLE cameras in the first stage of this electronic ticket, among others, violated traffic signs and road markings, did not wear standard helmets, used smartphone while driving, used fake plates, and did not use seat belts.
After being successful in the first phase, the National Police’s Traffic Corps’ will implement the second phase of the ETLE system, which is planned to be implemented starting in July 2021. In this second phase, the ticketing points are located in 13 Regional Police headquarters and starting from the City of Solo.