Jakarta. With the discovery of 22 residents who tested positive for the coronavirus (Covid-19). Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police and Kodam (Regional Military Command) Jaya and the Jakarta Health Agency distributed 400 doses to residents in RW 009, Kayu Putih Sub-district, Pulogadung, East Jakarta.
Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police Chief, Inspector General. Muhammad Fadil Imran, said the distribution of hundred doses of the Covid-19 vaccine as part of a national vaccination program to increase citizens receiving vaccine injections.
“In RW 09, we held vaccination, there were 400 doses for residents here, of course passing the feasibility of the vaccine stage, we hope the number of people getting vaccinated in East Jakarta is increasing,” Chief of Metro Jaya Regional Police said (06/07).
Follow up the cluster of residents in the Kayu Putih Sub-District, Fadil said, his team and the Kodam Jaya and the Jakarta Health Agency will continue to improve the implementation of 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment) in the area.
“In addition, we provide moral support for those who are exposed and poor people. I hope the mechanism to handle cluster in this community will continue to be more perfect, while at the Regional Police, we continue to strengthen the Covid-19 backup team so that it becomes the community basis and top units in the form of judicial operations and mass swabs,” the Chief of Metro Jaya Regional Police said.
Previously, RT 11 RW 09 Kayu Putih Sub-District, East Jakarta implemented a temporary lockdown or regional quarantine after 22 residents tested positive for Covid-19.
Dozens of positive cases were found after contact tracing was carried out after one resident was declared exposed to the coronavirus at the end of May.
Head of Kayu Putih Sub-District said currently dozens of people are undergoing isolation in various places. They were starting from self-isolation at home, in the hospital, to the Wisma Atlet.