– Banjarmasin. Chief of South Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General Rikwanto, said all polling stations (TPS) are considered vulnerable during the re-voting (PSU) for the South Kalimantan Governor Election (Pilgub) on June 9, 2021. He emphasized each TPS will be guarded by two Indonesian National Police personnels, assisted by the Indonesian National Armed Forces and elements of the Community Protection Unit (Linmas), in order to provide a sense of security for the organizers and the community during the election. Not only about vulnerabilities related to disturbances in public order and security, but also considering the pandemic situation, the threat of potential transmission of Covid-19 need to be watched out.
The Chief of South Kalimantan Regional Police reminded the discipline of implementing health protocols is a must so that the re-election event does not become a place for Covid-19 transmission.
“Security personnel must not be careless or underestimate. Everyone must be prepared for the worst possibiity. If it is proven that there has been health protocols violation at TPS, then the apparatus can act decisively according to the rules and take the necessary steps in coordination with the local Covid-19 Task Force, ” the Chief of South Kalimantan Regional Police explained.
A total of 2,628 joint TNI-Polri personnel were deployed to secure the PSUs that were held in 827 voting places (TPS) spread across seven sub-districts in one city and two regencies, i.e. South Banjarmasin District in Banjarmasin City, five sub-districts in Banjar Regency and 24 TPS in Binuang District, Tapin Regency. Before being deployed to areas that carry out the PSU, the South Kalimantan Regional Police will hold a troop shift ceremony on Monday at the Indonesian National Police Field, Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 21, Banjarbaru City.
All personnel on duty are also confirmed to be free of Covid-19 after going through a rapid antigen test carried out by the Medical and Health Sector of the South Kalimantan Regional Police.