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Monday, February 10, 2025

The Directorate of Special Crime of Riau Islands Regional Police Successfully Arrested State Civil Apparatus Personnel in the Letter Forgery Case of SKIPM in Batam City

Tribratanews.polri.go.id – Batam. WD, who is a State Civil Apparatus at the Fish Quarantine Station Controlling Quality and Safety of Fishery Products (SKIPM) was arrested by the Directorate of Special Crime Investigation for corruption of the fishery products, shrip, that would be sent to Singapore.


This was conveyed by the Head of Sub-directorate III of Corruption Crime of Directorate of Special Crime of Riau Islands Regional Police, Police Commissioner Apri Fajar Hermanto, accompanied by Head of Public Information Bureau of Riau Islands Regional Police, Police Second Inspector Husnul Afkar.


Husnul Afkar, said this crime occurred on Friday, May 21, 2021 at 13.50 Indonesia Western Time at Morning Bakery KBC Batam, Batam City. Based on Police Report number LP-A / 43 / V / 2021 / SPKT-Kepri, May 21, 2021 with the suspect initials WD who is an Civil State Apparatus at the Batam Quality Control and Safety Control Fish Quarantine Station.


On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, Sub-Directorate III of Corruption Crime of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Riau Islands Regional Police received repost from the community. We had sting-operation [known as OTT] on WD as an employee at the Fish Quarantine Station Controlling the Quality and Safety of Fishery Products in the working area of the Sagulung port. WD has repeatedly asked sum of money for the Shrimp Export activities to Singapore from Batam City.


“From the OTT activity, we got evidence of 1 Brown Envelope containing IDR. 12,450,000. Then, the Vaname Ahua Shrimp Export Report for April 2021, 1 unit of Xiaomi cellphone and black Calvin Klein clothing bag which contains several savings books and ATM cards as well as Singapore Dollar Cash, SGD 16,636, “explained the Head of Sub-Directorate III of of Corruption Crime of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Riau Islands Regional Police.


From the series of OTT, there are five witnesses examined and the suspected is punished under the article is Article 12 Letter (E) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2001 on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 Year 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption Criminal Acts . “Civil servants or state administrators who with the intention of unlawfully benefiting themselves or others, or by abusing their power to force someone to give something, pay, or receive payment with a discount, or to do something for themselves.”

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