– Bogor. The Indonesian National Police continues to support the Government of Indonesia in managing Covid-19 in Indonesia. Various efforts continue to be implemented by mobilizing equipment, facilities, and manpower.
Those varioues efforts were mentioned directly by the Chief of Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police Inspector General. Pol. Istiono, while monitoring the implementation of health protocols and crowd areas in number of places, especially tourism sites.
Efforts that have been and will continue to be carried out by the Indonesian National Police to control the spread of Covid-19 are as followed:
1. Optimizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas (Community Police). The Bhabinkamtibmas who are managed by Regional Police will disseminate information to the public, especially regarding the importance of vaccination and the application of health protocols.
2. The Indonesian National Police also participates in accelerating vaccination to accelerate Herd Immunity, in cooperation with Indonesian National Armed Forces, COVID-19 Task Force, Local Government, and the Indonesian National Police, as well as actively and massively socializing the importance of vaccination.
3. The Indonesian National Police carried out number of innovations related to the efforts to prevent Covid-19. One of them is spraying disinfectants for free by utilizing the cars belong to the Indonesian National Police, Police Mobile Brigade, and Sabhara (tactical police unit/antiriot police).
3. Deployment of mobile SIM (driving liscense) cars, Traffic Community Education Cars (Dikmas Lantas), highway police cars, were used for mobile andom antigen tests. Medical and health unit as well as the health workers are mobilized optimally. The existing human resources are also trained to become health workers to optimize the efforts to prevent covid-19.
Previously, the Chief of Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police mentioned his party would continue to monitor and tighten the situstion, especially during holidays. “The National Police on holidays and national holidays continue to carry out tightening activities in crowd areas, especially in the red zone and orange zone and of course in places of concentration for tourism, economy, transportation modes, then in other community activities,” The Chief of Traffic Corps of Indonesian National Police said.