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Indonesian National Police Chief and National Armed Forces Commander Remind Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of Blora to Beware of Spike in Covid-19 Cases

Inp.polri.go.id – Blora. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo together with National Army Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Chairman of National Agency for Disaster Management Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito and National Police’s Chief of Security Maintenance Agency Pol. General Commissioner Arief Sulistyanto visited Blora Regency, Central Java, Saturday (06/05/21).

During a face-to-face meeting with Blora’s Regional Leadership Coordination Forum at the Blora Regent’s Office Hall, the National Police Chief reminded them to be aware of the surge in Covid-19 cases, as happened in Kudus Regency, where Covid-19 cases increased significantly 30 times in a week. “This must be watched out for. Because the areas of Rembang, Pati, and Blora are close to Kudus. For that we must really pay attention, do not let a similar incident happen in Blora,” explained the National Police Chief.

Regional Leadership Coordination Forum was also asked to continue actively educating the public on the importance of enforcing health protocols (prokes), even though public awareness of health porotocols were declining.

General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that until now the Corona Virus is still around us. People’s ignorance of health protocols is feared to cause a spike in Covid-19, as has happened in neighboring Malaysia and India. “For that we have to anticipate. The 5 M surge in life, especially during community celebrations or other things that can cause crowds,” explained the National Police Chief.

On the other hand, the National Police Chief also asked Regional Leadership Coordination Forum to prepare contingency steps starting from informing and education of health protocols starting from Micro Enforcement of Rrestrictions on Community Activities in Indonesia in each region. And 3T to anticipate the transmission of Covid-19.

Covid-19 cases in Blora district so far have reached 7,068 positive cases and 6,486 recovered patients. The percentage of cure reached 91.8 percent. Meanwhile, for vaccination in the Blora Regency area, up to now it has reached 141,016 residents. With details of 3,667 health workers, 53,743 public service personnel and 83,607 elderly citizens.

Meanwhile, the National Army Commander emphasized two things for handling Covid-19, especially in Blora Regency. The first is the tightening of Micro Enforcement of Rrestrictions on Community Activities in Indonesia and the tightening of health protocols’ discipline. “There are two things that we must emphasize, namely Micro Enforcement of Rrestrictions on Community Activities and discipline of health protocols. If we succeed in implementing it, we will be able to control Covid-19,” explained the Commander.

The Commander also advised that all cross-sectoral areas in Blora Regency should be united and work together in handling Covid-19 activities. Because Covid-19 is a common enemy that we must face together, especially in the discipline of health protocols.

Hadi also requested that the synergy of each officer with coordination and collaboration with existing cross-sectors continue to be improved. “Anticipate cultural activities or local wisdom in the area such as post-harvest traditional events or earth alms. Do not let crowds occur which are feared to cause Covid-19 transmission,” explained the commander.

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