– Jakarta. Commander of Indonesian National Armed Forces, Armed Forces Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, and Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, visited vaccination in three regencies in Central Java. This Saturday (5/6/2021), they visited the sites in Blora and Pati regency. In addition, however, they have visited the Cilacap regency, conducted at Patra Graha, Patra Ria, and Olah Raga Avtur Building at Pertamina Lomanis Complex, MT Haryono street, Donan subdistrict, Cilacap Tengah district, Cilacap regency on Friday (4/6/2021).
During the visitation of vaccination sites on those three regencies, Commander of the National Armed Forces and Chief of National Police also accompanied by Head of National Disaster Management Authority, Ganip Warsito; Chief of Security Guard Agency of the National Police, Police General Commissioner Arief Sulistyanto; Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, represented by Central Java Regional Secretary; Chief of Central Java Regional Police, Police Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi; Commander of 4th/Diponegoro Military Region, Armed Forces Major General Rudianto; and primary officials of Central Java Regional Police and 4th/Diponegoro Military Region Command; and entourages from Armed Forces and Police National Headquarter.
At the main pavilion of the Official Residence of Blora Regency, Commander of the National Armed Forces and Chief of National Police are discussing with Blora Regency Leader Communication Forum. In his opening statement, Blora regent, H. Arief Rothman, greeted welcome and thank you to the Commander of the National Armed Forces and Chief of National Police and the entourages who visited Blora regency.
“We hereby address our welcome and thank you to the Commander of the National Armed Forces and Chief of National Police and the entourage to Blora. It is an honour for us to be visited by the leaders of the Armed Forces and Police. We asked for your guidance for the future”, Blora regent said.
Blora regent said that Covid-19 cases in the regency are 7,068 people tested positive, and 6,486 are recovered, giving a 91.8% recovery rate. Thus, the vaccination rate in Blora has reached 141,016 people, with 3,667 from health workers, 53,743 public servants, and 83,607 senior citizens.
Meanwhile, Pati regent Haryanto also explains that Covid-19 in his regency is 3,567 confirmed cases (1.9% cases in Central Java). With 2,795 people recover, it gives its recovery rate to 78.4%, far lower than the national average of 92.1%. On the other hand, the regent recorded 534 deaths, 15% higher than the national death percentage (2.8%).
For vaccination statistics, Pati has received 114,418 doses and used 102,681 (89.7%), divided into 64,805 for the first dose and 37,876 for the second one. Vaccine vials remained in the vault are 11,737 doses”, Pati regent said.
Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the rising cases in Kudus Regency must be watched out for because Rembang, Pati, and Blora are the neighbours of Kudus regency. Therefore, this particular issue needs to be noticed. Do not let the same scenario happens in Blora.
“People are started to be bored adhering to Health Protocols. However, Covid-19 still exists. As an example, there is a significant rise in cases in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia. So we have to anticipate that”, the Chief of Police said.
Chief of Police also emphasises preparing contingency measures such as informing and educating Covid-19 health protocols in the form of PPKM Mikro (Micro-scaled Public Activity Limitation) enforcement and 3T efforts (test, tracing, and treatment) to anticipate further increasing Covid-19 cases. The most important thing to be concerned about is preparing isolation beds to anticipate huge Covid-19 increasing cases.
“Even though insulation operation has been conducted by joint forces, anticipation effort must keep going. Obey the 5M in daily life, moreover during neighbourhood events or any events that can cause a crowd”, the Chief of Police said.
Furthermore, Commander of Indonesian National Armed Forces, Armed Forces Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, stated that, in controlling the Covid-19 spread, all parties need to learn the positive cases in Blora, Pati, Kudus, Rembang, Cilacap, and other regencies. Other statistics that also need more attention are deaths, bed occupancy rate, and ICU beds, which have to be checked daily. Also, coordination and collaboration must be conducted in a cross-sectoral manner.
“I emphasise once again: PPKM Mikro must be enforced. Educate the officers in PPKM command post, and supply them with health facilities and infrastructure. Anticipate cultural events or local events in the regions, such as the post-harvest festival. Do not let them invite crowds that can transmit Covid-19 faster”, Armed Forces Commander said.
According to him, supervision of Health Protocols in the public activity must also be conducted. Health Protocols should be observed not because of force but because of the need to stay healthy. If those activities are well-conducted, then Covid-19 can be controlled.