– The Criminal Investigation Agency of the Indonesian National Police continues to investigate allegations of corruption in rice social assistance distributed for people living in Bekasi Regency. This initial investigation is an allegation of fraud related to the aid distribution. Previously, people in Bekasi Regency complained about the rice distributed as it could not be consumed.
“We are now assisting and getting back-up both from the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police and the Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police to strengthen the investigation carried out by the Bekasi Metro Resort Police,” as explained by the Director of Corruption Crimes (Dirtipikor) of Crime Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of Indonesian National Police, Pol Brigadier General Djoko Poerwanto, Friday (04/06/21).
He said that the investigation of rice social assistance was a form of actualization and contribution of the Indonesian National Police to government programs, especially regarding non-cash social assistance in Bekasi Regency.
Dirtipikor Bareskrim of Indonesian National Police Unit of the Police hoped all kinds of social assistance can be accessed by the community so that they get benefit of the aid, without any violations being committed. “I have seen the hard work of the police investigator team and the Chief of Resort Police. I think they are capable and have willingness to conduct investigations with integrity, professionalism and proportion,” he explained.
The investigation was conducted to find out whether there was a criminal element in case of social assistance rice. Djoko Poerwanto asked for the cooperation of the Bekasi Regency community to provide information required by the investigation team in the near future so that the investigation process is more measurable.
Chief of Bekasi Metro Resort Police, Police Grand Commissioner Hendra Gunawan also said investigators were collecting data and evidence and preparing to summon number of related parties to collect information. We also collect some (evidence) items, this is just the initial stage of the investigation.
Meanwhile, regarding whether state suffering loss, case evidence and others will later be submitted according to the results of the investigation. The allegation corruption case of non-cash social assistance emerged after beneficiaries of the program complained about the quality of the rice they received. It’s slightly yellowish and smells bad.
There are 1,130 families in Karangjaya Village, Pebayuran District, Bekasi Regency who received the non-cash social assistance program in the form of rice. Representatives of local residents also reported the allegation of corruption case of the rice social assistance to the Bekasi Regency Attorney’s Office.