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Monday, February 10, 2025

Bali Police Successfully Arrested Two Turkish Foreigners Perpetrators of ATM Machine Skimming

Inp.polri.go.id Denpasar. The Bali Regional Police managed to arrest two foreignersfrom Turkey with the initials AEM and EK related to the alleged crime of skimming at several ATMs in Bali.

The Director of Special Crime Investigation of the Bali Regional Police, Pol Grand Commissioner Yuliar Kus Nugroho, stated the AEM and EK has been declared as suspects of the skimming crime case. He ensured the two suspects would be prosecuted in Indonesia and both of them have been detained for the next 20 days for legal proceedings.

“We have sent notification letter to the representative of the Turkish government regarding their citizen,” Yuliar said when confirmed in Jakarta, Friday (06/04/2021).

The modus operandi of the two suspects was sticking cameras in number of ATM machines so they could find out the ATM pin numbers of the victims. In addition, the two suspects also planted a WiFi router to copy the victim’s data while using the ATM machine.

The actions of the two suspects were finally revealed after the bank found suspicious objects in several ATM machines and reported it to the Bali Regional Police.

Director of Special Crimes of Bali Regional Police, Yuliar Kus Nugroho, said the two perpetrators had been decided as suspect in the skimming crime case.

He confirmed the two Turkish suspects would be prosecuted in Indonesia and both of them have been detained for the next 20 days for legal proceedings.

“We have sent notification letter to the representative of the Turkish government regarding their citizen,” Yuliar Kus Nugroho said, Friday (04/06/21).

The Directorate of Special Crime Investigation of the Bali Regional Police Bali explained the modus operandi of the two suspects was attaching cameras to a number of ATM machines in order to find out the ATM pin numbers of the victims. In addition, the two suspects also planted a WiFi router to copy the victim’s data while using the ATM machine.

The actions of the two suspects were finally revealed after the bank found suspicious objects in several ATM machines and reported it to the Bali Police.

“The suspects were arrested when they were taking the camera that was stored in the ATM machine,” as said by Yuliar Kus.

Now the two suspects are charged with Article 30 in conjunction with Article 46 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

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