– Bogor. National Police’s Chief of Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas), Pol. Inspector General Istiono explained that the closure of the 2021 Eid Travels had succeeded in suppressing the spread of Covid-19. Even though the restrictions on going home through Operation Ketupat have ended, the Police are still making efforts to prevent and control Covid-19.
The control of Covid-19 after the Operational Ketupat period is following the instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 12 of 2021 concerning the Extension of Micro Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in Indonesia until June 14.
“National Police on holidays and national holidays continue to tighten activities in crowd areas, especially in the red zone and orange zone and of course in places of concentration for tourism, economy, transportation modes, then at other community activities,” said the Chief of Traffic Corps Police at Simpang Gadog, Bogor Regency, West Java.
In addition, the Chief of Traffic Corps continued, his party also optimizes the role of Security and Public Order by the door to door to the community. The Security and Public Order who are regulated by each Regional Police, will disseminate information to the public about the importance of vaccination.
“The National Police also carry out accelerated vaccinations to accelerate herd immunity, both from the National Armed Forced of Covid-19 Task Force, the Regional Government Police, as well as active and massive informing to rationalize the community so that they are willing and optimal for vaccination,” he said.
In fact, theNational Police have also made a number of innovations related to efforts to prevent Covid-19. Among other things, the mobilization of cars belonging to the Police from Mobile Brigade to Sabhara for spraying disinfectants to the public for free.
“Then the mobile driver’s license, the Traffic Public Education car, the police car, are also used as a proactive mobility activity unit for random antigen testing. Also, the Medic and Health Field and health workers are deployed optimally, and our human resources are also trained as health workers to optimize efforts to prevent Covid-19,” he said.
Furthermore, Traffic Corps’ also said that his party also put stickers on the homes of residents who had carried out antigen swabs. Chief of Traffic Corps’ emphasized that the National Police would deploy all existing facilities and infrastructure to prevent the spread of Covid-19, including by continuing to tighten and monitor routes from Sumatra to Java.
“So human resources, including capacity personnel and infrastructure facilities at the National Police are optimized, optimally empowered for these Covid-19 prevention measures,” said Chief of Traffic Corps.’
Finally, the Traffic Headquarters said that the tightening was also applied to vehicles from Sumatra to Java. The Regional Police or National Police will carry out the tightening mechanism. “The authority is handed over to each region,” he explained.