– Surabaya. Following up on the complaints of tofu and tempeh artisans in East Java Province (East Java), the Food Task Force (Satgas) of East Java Regional Police immediately went down to check soybean prices with agents and distributors.
The Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimsus) of East Java Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Farman said that his party coordinates with the Industry and Trade Agency and the Agriculture Service to check the stock and price of soybeans.
Based on the press release of the Ministry of Trade dated May 31, 2021, the international soybean price has decreased from IDR 9,604 per kilogram to IDR 9,220 per kilogram.
“Information from PT. Surabaya Palentig Compy FPC that the current soybean price has decreased compared to the price during the fasting month and Eid which was originally IDR 10,150 per kilogram at the importer level today to IDR 9,500, and currently FPC has a stock of approximately 1,000 tons,” explained Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police, Thursday (06/03/2021).
Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police said that his party also checked with PT. FKS, where soybean prices had decreased compared to the Eid Mubarak.
Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police said PT. FKS sells at IDR 10,100 per kilogram at the importer’s warehouse for stock at PT. FKS that is still available at approximately 40 tons.
Not only that, the Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police said, information from one of the soybean sub-distributor agents in Tulungagung was known, today the price of soybeans at agent is IDR 10,500 per kilogram in 25 kg packages, if it was sold for single item, the price is IDR 10,750.
“Based on information from importers and distributors, the current stock is still sufficient, but prices are still high due to several factors. First, international prices or from their countries of origin such as America and Brazil are already high, while 80 percent of the demand for soybeans for raw materials of tofu and tempeh in the country still depends on imports,” explained Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police.
The East Java Regional Police’s Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit also explained that there was an increase in ship transportation costs due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Transportation costs from the country of origin have also increased because there are still very few shipping companies operating due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” explained Director of Special Crime and Investigation Unit of East Java Regional Police.