– Jayapura. Noken Community Development of Indonesian National Police held program called Polisi Pi Ajar (Police Teaches) at Arastamar (Kartika) Christian Seondary School, Timika, Wania Distrik, Mimika Regency, Papua, Wednesday (6/02).
The arrival of the Indonesian National Police Noken community development (Binmas) team led by Head of Operation Administration (Paminops) Binmas Task Force Police Commissioner Attendant Jhon S. Nuboba, was warmly welcomed by the school administrators and the students of Kartika Christian Secondary School.
In the Polisi Pi Ajar, the Bhayangkata Corps personnel invited the children to learn which was also interspersed with playing to warm the atmosphere. There were forty children participated in the teaching and learning activities by the police.
Binmas Noken Polri taught about national insight to children as nationalism needs to be taught from an early age. In addition, the children were also invited to sing the national anthem and national songs followed by joint exercises. The children were not awkward and excited the Polisi Pi Ajar program.
Not only that, the children also seemed enthusiastic in answering questions from members of the police related to national insight and the national heroes. Through this learning about nationality, it is expected that the next generation of the nation will apply it in everyday life.
At the end of the activity, Binmas Noken Polri also gave gifts to the students of Kartika Christian Secondary School, which were expected to support and foster a spirit of learning in their hearts.