– Jakarta. The National Police admitted that they will meet with various related agencies to discuss the application of the ticket for cyclists who’s out of special bicycle lane (road bike) or are still using public roads.
Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police’s Traffic Corp, Pol.Grand Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said that his party would meet with the Traffic Corps Coordinator of National Police, the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office and the court to start discussing the technicalities of implementing the regulation.
The ticket is enforced only at road points where there is a special road bike lane. If a cyclist is caught off the track, the officer could deliver a ticket.
Sanctions for cyclists will be regulated in accordance with Article 299 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ). Offenders will be subject to a ticket of IDR 100,000 or a maximum imprisonment of 15 days.
“It only applies to those that already have a bicycle route. The legal basis is in article 299 of the LLAJ Law, ” he explained.
Deputy Governor of Jakarta Capital City Ahmad Riza Patria also asked road bike cyclists to obey the rules. The Deputy Governor of Jakarta Metropolitan City also asked them to respect each other’s road users. Good for motorcyclists is as well as good for cyclists.