– Jakarta. The Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has officially issued permits for the League 1 and League 2 2021 soccer match. However, health protocol must be applied strictly and with discpline as way to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Sigit explained, even though the competition permit was granted, all parties must still prioritize the principle of the Salus Populi Supreme Lex Esto or the safety of the people as the highest law. So, there is no spread of the corona virus.
“From the result of the discussion, we decided to give crowd permission but by applying strict health protocol,” said Sigit at press conference at the Police Headquarters Building, South Jakarta, Monday (5/31/2021).
According to Sigit, police will carry out periodic monitoring and evaluation when the League 1 and League 2 competitions are occuring The reason is, if a violation is found on the way, the authorities will not hesitate to impose sanctions which will certainly be related to the competition itself.
“We will evaluate the leagues implementation. Any violations of the health protocols will affect the league’s implementation process,” Sigit said.
Sigit also mentioned the permit for League 1 and League 2 were issued by referring to the evaluation of Menpora Cup implementation that was considered running quite well, although there were still few violations such as the group of supporters’ convoy after the competition.
The former Chief of Banten Regional Police emphasized that all organizers must ensure the football supporters convoy will not be repeated in the implementation of Liga 1 and Liga 2.
“The previous soccer league some time ago is certainly part of our evaluation. The implementation was quite good, but there was still crowd [to celebrate the winning of one team] after the match, that would potentially cause new Covid-19 cluster,” Sigit Said.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Zainudin Amali ensured the implementation of League 1 and League 2 all related parties would be committed to implementing health protocols.
One of them, said Zainudin, is that the match will be held centrally on the island of Java, where the spread of corona virus is low or categorized as green zone.
“All matches will be conducted on the island of Java with several clusters. From that explanation we feel that what has been planned and presented at the coordination meeting is ready to recommend to the Chief of Indonesian Police to request for a crowd permit. That is why this afternoon I came to fulfill his invitation,” as said by Sigit at press conference at the Indonesian National Police Headquarters Building, South Jakarta, Monday (05/31/2021).
According to Sigit, the police will carry out periodic monitoring and evaluation when the League 1 and League 2 competitions are taking placing. The reason is, if a violation is found on the way, the authorities will not hesitate to impose sanctions which will certainly be related to the competition itself.
“We will evaluate the activities so that violations of the health protocols will affect the league’s implementation process,” said Sigit.
On the other hand, Sigit said, the permits for League 1 and League 2 were issued because in the evaluation of the implementation of the Menpora Cup, the competition ran quite well. Although, Sigit acknowledged, recently there were still a few violation such as the convoy of a group supporters after the competition.
The former Chief of Banten Regional Police emphasized all organizers must ensure the football supporters convoy will not be repeated in the implementation of League 1 and League 2.
“The soccer league some time ago is certainly part of our evaluation. The implementation was quite good, but what we are sorry about there was still a crowd at the end of the match which potentially cause the Covid-19 cluster,” Sigit said.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Zainudin Amali ensured that related to the implementation of League 1 and League 2 all related parties would be committed to implementing health protocols.
One of them, said Zainudin, is that the match will be held centrally on the island of Java, where the spread of the corona virus is low or categorized as a green zone.
“All matches are centered on the island of Java with several clusters. From that explanation we feel that what has been planned and presented at the coordination meeting is ready to recommend to the Chief of Indonesian National Police. We will request for crowd permit. That is why this afternoon I’ll come to fulfill his invitation,” Zainudin concluded.