– Palangkaraya. The Central Kalimantan Regional Police continues to hold vaccinations in its territory. The latest vaccination was held in Kapuas District.
The Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, wants to ensure that vaccination runs safely and smoothly following government programs. This time, six thousand vaccines were given to residents in 74 locations. These vaccines are prioritized for senior citizens and public services.
” This time, the mass vaccination aims to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations for the senior citizen in each sub-district throughout Central Kalimantan,” as explained by the Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police.
He also explained that the highest number of Covid-19 deaths mainly occurred in the senior group. Therefore, they are prioritized to get vaccines.
The government also urges citizens to stick to 3M’s health protocol, i.e. wearing a mask, social distancing and washing hands regularly using running water. This activity must be carried out by all residents, including those who have been injected with vaccines.
“The high enthusiasm of citizens makes this mass vaccination run well, and of course, we continue to monitor health protocols during this mass vaccination process,” he concluded.