– Jakarta.Chief of National Police, General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., issued guidelines on instructions for all officers in the field to take action against noisy muffler users. The Chief of National Police’s telegram letter has the number of ST / 1045 / V / HUK.6.2. / 2021.
In the telegram letter, a number of steps can be guided by field officers in taking action against the use of noisy muffler, including:
1. Implement informing to road users about the impact of noise caused by the use of muffler that is not synchronize with national standards or do not meet the technical requirements of The Sole Agent ( ATPM ).
2. Give a persuasive and educative warning to the motorized vehicle spare parts trader, then the motorized vehicle repair shop not to sell and not to serve the muffler installation which is not in accordance with national standards.
3. Implement strict action on the road for motorized vehicle riders who use muffler that is not synchronize with national standards because the noise could interfere with concentration of other motorists so that it has the potential to cause traffic accidents.
4.Article 285 Paragraph (1) Junto Article 106 Paragraph (3) Junto Article 48 Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3) Law Number 22 Year 2009 shall be subject to maximum imprisonment. 1 (one) month long or a maximum fine of IDR 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousands of Indonesian rupiah).
5. At the time of carrying out the action against violations to coordinate with stakeholders, including the Environmental Service and the local Dept. of Transportation to provide a vehicle noise level testing tool and still obey Covid-19 health protocol.