– Medan. North Sumatera Regional Police noted there were 39,840 cellular numbers pranking the call center Indonesian National Police 110 in North Sumatera area. The cellular numbers that prank the call center have been blocked.
Head of Operational Control (Kabagdalops) of Operational Bureau (Roops) of North Sumatera Regional Police explained the numbers were blocked because they were proven in doing prank when calling the 110 operator of North Sumatera Regional Police, Thursday (05/27/2021).
Kabagdalops Roops of North Sumatera Regional Police said during this month, 1,012 cellular number were blocked. They were blocked after doing three times prank.
“If the numbers (cellular) did three times prank, then they would be block automatically,” as explained by Kabagdalops Roops of North Sumatera Regional Police.
Further, he advised people not to do prank. He said, if the number were blocked, then it would not be able to reach the contact center.
“The owner of cellular number that was blocked, will not be able to contact call center 110 at anytime,” Kabagdalops Roops of North Sumatera Regional Police emphasized.
For the information, call center 110 is the police emergency service with single number nationally. The call center is the manifestation of operational transformation in Harkamtibmas (maintaining public order security) as part of the Chief of Indonesian National Police’s Priority Program (Program Prioritas).