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Saturday, February 15, 2025

INCAR Innovation Makes Indonesian National Police Easier

inp.polri.go.id – Surabaya. Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of East Java Regional Police keeps innovating for its high-tech car called INCAR (Integrated Node Capture Attitude Record). This innovation will always be developed to help the officers’ work in ordering the traffic violators.

INCAR is special device developed to help the duty of Ditlantas’ officers. INCAR can identify and detect several parameters of object detection, and using Artificial intelligence in the processing.

There are five features in this high-tech car. One of them is the feature of global positioning system, ETLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement), Speed Gun, Face Recognition, and Automatic Number Plate Recognition.

The five features have different functio, and one of them is for face identification. It can detect the face of street user, and match it with driving liscene data as well as with E-KTP (electronic ID card).

It also can identify motor vehicle. Identify the speed limit, identify the vehicle number, and identify type of vehicle.

Further, the feature can also identify traffic violation by identifying traffic light violator, identifying the use of seat belt, and identifying the use of helmet.

INCAR can be used for mobile operational as needed. Violater will get deterrent effect, as it is integrated with violation accummulation point that can be a requirement to revocate driving liscence. The cost to build INCAR is less cost as it is made by Directorate of Traffic Security of East Java Regional Police. It can be used as required and can only be used by Indonesian National Police.

Regarding the flow and the system in its implementation, Director of Ditlantas of East Java Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Latif Usman explained, the officer bring the INCAR when she or he is on duty, then the data captured by the officer will be sent directly to RTMC for verification.

“Result from the verification is a confirmation letter that will be sent to violator’s address by referring to face recognition using E-KTP. The violation points obtained are in accordance with the classification of violation article which will be recorded and accumulated by the TARC (Traffic Attitude Record Center) application, “he explained on Wednesday (05/26/2021).

If the violation points have reached 12 points, then driving liscence will be revoked temporarly; and if the point has reached the maxium limit, 18, then will be proposed to the court to revoke the driving liscence permanently.

“This is in accordance with Article 74 paragraphs 1 and 2 in Perkap (Chief of Indonesian National Police Regulation) 9/2012 on Driving License,” Latif Usman added.

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