– Palangkaraya. In maintaining stamina and fitness, the ranks of Central Kalimantan Regional Policeheld a cycling sport around the City of Palangka Raya while monitoring community security situation after inauguration of the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan.
Central Kalimantan Police Chief, Pol. General Inspector Dedi Prasetyo, directly led the activity accompanied by Deputy Police Chief, Pol. Brigadier General Ida Oetari Poernamasasi, and a number of Central Central Kalimantan Regional Police Officers starting from Chief of Regional Police’s offices on Imam Bonjol street, Palangka Raya City, Friday (05/28/2021) morning.
Central Kalimantan Regional Police’s Head of PR, Pol. Grand Commissioner Eko Saputro, conveyed that this relaxing bicycle activity took a route around City of Palangka Raya with a distance of about 15 km and finished at Central Kalimantan Police Headquarters on Tjilik Riwut Km. 1 street.
“Before leaving for cycling, the Chief of Regional Police warmed up and conveyed participants to adhere to health protocols and to be solicitious on the road so as not to disturb other road users, ” explained Central Kalimantan Regional Police’s Head of PR.
Central Kalimantan Regional Police’s Head of PR added that the relaxing bicycle activity held by Central Kalimantan Regional Police was an effort to maintain health and increase endurance, especially the importance of increasing endurance during the Covid-19 pandemic.
For information, in addition to the casual bicycle activities, the Central Kalimantan Police also distributed 50 basic food packages to road cleaners in Palangka Raya City.