– Manado. North Sulawesi Police Chief, Pol. General Inspector Nana Sudjana expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the leaders of mass organizations in the North Sulawesi Province for their support, cooperation and contribution in maintaining security and public order for people of North Sulawesi. This was conveyed by the Regional Police Chief during a gathering with Leaders of Customary Organizations in North Sulawesi, at the Swiss Bell Hotel Manado.
Chief of Regional Police hopes that Community Organization could contribute to strengthening the resilience of nation through regional resilience in North Sulawesi Province.
“We want to build partnerships with the community through communication between mass organizations as a common means of maintaining religious harmony in North Sulawesi without distinguishing ethnicity, race and religion as the slogan of the people of North Sulawesi, namely Torang Samua Basudara, Torang Samua Ciptaan Tuhan. ” Organizations are able to reinforce the importance of Pancasila in life of the nation and state and should not be easily provoked by social media such as issues that are deliberately created for the benefit of irresponsible groups and could play an active role as motivators and pioneers of society to advance in front line as a driving force for civil society continues to need empowerment and strengthening, “explained the Chief of North Sulawesi Regional Police.
In addition, the Chief of Regional Police also hopes that the Community Organization will be able to create harmonization of Government in maintaining stability and conduct intensive communication and are committed to develop the North Sulawesi Province in order to provide insights to its members to maintain unity and integrity.
The gathering with Indigenous Organizations in North Sulawesi was also attended by representatives of North Sulawesi’s Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Officials, the Director of Intelligence and Security and the Director for Community Development of North Sulawesi Police.
“Don’t be easily pitted against one another by irresponsible group,” he concluded.