– Medan. North Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Pol. General Inspector Panca Simanjuntak and Commander of Regional Military I, Major General Hasanuddin, visited Hutagurgur, Aek Tangga Village, Garoga District, North Tapanuli Regency (Taput), North Sumatra, Wednesday (05/26/2021).
Based on existing data, there are 307 peoples in the hamlet, and some time ago 147 peoples were confirmed to be exposed to COVID-19.
The Chief of the Taput Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Muhammad Saleh, through the Head of Public Relations, Police first inspector attendant W. Baringbing, said that the arrival of the Regional Police Chief and Comm. of Regional Military I along with their entourage who was also accompanied by the Regent of North Tapanuli Nikson Nababan and his staff to see directly the condition of Hutagurgur Hamlet residents who were exposed to COVID-19 en masse.
“Previously on Sunday (95/23/2021), the North Sumatra Police Chief gave 500 swab test kits to the North Tapanuli Regency Government. So today the Police Chief and Commander of Regional Military I will immediately inspect Hutagurgur Hamlet to encourage residents who are exposed to COVID-19,” said the Head of PR’s sub-section.
After seeing the condition of Hutagurgur Hamlet, the Chief of Regional Police and Commander of Regional Military I gave some advices or instructions to residents who were not exposed to COVID-19 in the village.
In his guidance, the Chief of Regional Police said that it was dangerous to gather large numbers of people. So that it needs to be reduced and always take care of everyone’s health.
“Chief of Regional Police also reminded that the implementation of parties should be limited, because parties actually bring disease. For this reason, the community must always take care. “No more crowds, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Always wear a mask and keep your distance and wash your hands, ” said the Regional Police Chief.
Meanwhile, Command or Regional Military I, Major General Hasanuddin said that there should be education in taking the right steps. “If other residents from outside the village who want to come or visit are obliged to make report themselves and this must be done,” he said.
On that occasion, the Commander of Regional Military I also mandated the Military District Commander of Army’s Administrative Unit to always informing how dangerous COVID-19 is. “And this learning will be continued immediately,” he explained.
Furthermore, the North Sumatra Police Chief, Commander of Regional Military I and their entourage provided masks to people of Hutagurgur Hamlet.